List shows how much money US politicians get from National Rifle Association
Posted by  badge  on May 27, 2022 - 03:11PM
Ted Cruz (left) and Mitt Romney (middle) are among Republicans senators who have accepted millions of dollars from the National Rifle Association (Pictures: AFP/Reuters/Getty Images)

Thoughts and prayers are flying around as normal following the latest mass shooting in the US.

Something else that is flying around is cash. Lots of it.

Dollars that some may consider to be blood money because of where it comes from – the National Rifle Association.

Mitt Romney alone received $13,647,676 from the NRA in 2019 according to the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

Of course, after Salvador Ramos went on a rampage at Robb Elementary School, slaughtering 19 children and two adults he offered his ‘thoughts and prayers’.

People hoped things would change after Sandy Hook and now people are hoping things will change after the latest massacre.

The NRA, of course, is opposed and continues to give huge amounts of cash to lawmakers with the expectation that they’ll oppose gun control measures.

Blood money

Senators who have taken the most money from the NRA, according to the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

  1. Mitt Romney (Utah) $13,647,676
  2. Richard Burr (North Carolina) $6,987,380
  3. Roy Blunt (Missouri) $4,555,722
  4. Thom Tillis (North Carolina) $4,421,333
  5. Marco Rubio (Florida) $3,303,355
  6. Joni Ernst (Iowa) $3,124,773
  7. Rob Portman (Ohio) $3,063,327
  8. Todd C. Young (Indiana) $2,897,582
  9. Bill Cassidy (Louisiana) $2,867,074
  10. Tom Cotton (Arkansas) $1,968,714
  11. Pat Toomey (Pennsylvania) $1,475,448
  12. Josh Hawley (Missouri) $1,391,548
  13. Marsha Blackburn (Tennessee) $1,306,130
  14. Ron Johnson (Wisconsin) $1,269,486
  15. Mitch McConnell (Kentucky) $1,267,139
  16. Mike Braun (Indiana) $1,249,967
  17. John Thune (South Dakota) $638,942
  18. Shelley Moore Capito (West Virginia) $341,738
  19. Richard Shelby (Alabama) $258,514
  20. Chuck Grassley (Iowa) $226,007
  21. John Neely Kennedy (Louisiana) $215,788
  22. Ted Cruz (Texas) $176,274
  23. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) $146,262
  24. Steve Daines (Montana) $123,711
  25. Cindy Hyde-Smith (Mississippi) $109,547
  26. Roger Wicker (Mississippi) $106,680
  27. Rand Paul (Kentucky) $104,456
  28. Mike Rounds (South Dakota) $95,049
  29. John Boozman (Arkansas) $82,352
  30. John Cornyn (Texas) $78,945
  31. Ben Sasse (Nebraska) $68,623
  32. Jim Inhofe (Oklahoma) $66,758
  33. Lindsey Graham (South Carolina) $55,961
  34. Mike Crapo (Idaho) $55,039
  35. Jerry Moran (Kansas) $34,718
  36. John Barrasso (Wyoming) $26,989
  37. John Hoeven (North Dakota) $22,050
  38. Susan Collins (Maine) $19,638
  39. James Lankford (Oklahoma) $18,955
  40. Jim Risch (Idaho) $18,850
  41. Tim Scott (South Carolina) $18,513
  42. Kevin Cramer (North Dakota) $13,255

The in 2019 compiled a list of Republican senators who have accepted the most cash from the NRA.

At the top of the list, having received more than $13million, is Senator Mitt Romney of Utah. Regarding the Texas school shooting, Romney wrote: ‘Grief overwhelms the soul. Children slaughtered. Lives extinguished. Parents’ hearts wrenched. Incomprehensible. I offer prayer and condolence but know that it is grossly inadequate. We must find answers.’

But a contributing writer for The Atlantic, Jemele Hill, to Romney, ‘Grief does not overwhelm the soul nearly as much as $13M from the NRA overwhelms your bank account. The answer you seek is the money you continue to take.’

Democratic Rep Gerry Connolly speaks at a gun-control vigil outside of the National Rifle Association headquarters following the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School (Picture: Getty Images)
Republican Senator Mitt Romney – who received $13,647,676 from the NRA – called the Texas school shooting ‘incomprehensible’ (Picture: Reuters)

Meanwhile, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas has received more than $176,000 from the NRA. Cruz called the massacre in Uvalde ‘truly horrific’.

‘Heidi and I are lifting up in prayer the entire Uvalde community during this devastating time and we mourn the lives that were taken by this act of evil,’ Cruz . ‘Thank you to heroic law enforcement & first responders for acting so swiftly.’

Gun control advocates hold a vigil outside of the National Rifle Association headquarters after the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School (Picture: Getty Images)
Republican Senator Ted Cruz (received $176,274) said he and his wife are ‘lifting up in prayer the entire Uvalde community during this devastating time’ (Picture: Getty Images)

Cruz faced backlash from gun control groups and Democratic lawmakers.

‘Fervently lifting Uvalde up in prayer while refusing to do a goddamned thing to stop gun violence is why this keeps happening, especially in Texas,’ Shannon Watts, founder of the gun control group Moms Demand Action.

‘In fact @SenTedCruz has been spreading gun lobby lies about the (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives) ATF director nominee while trying to stop a federal ghost guns ban.’

Democratic Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez replied to Cruz’s tweet by : ‘Aren’t you slated to headline a speaking gig for the NRA in three days – in Houston, no less? You can do more than pray. Faith without works is dead.’

Republican Senator Richard Burr has received more than $6million from the NRA (Picture: AP)
Republican Senator Roy Blunt has reportedly received more than $4million from the NRA (Picture: Getty Images)


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